Rarity Alerts
Firecrest, Mt. Baron, 17.Dec.2011
Black-throated Accentor, Nativale', 08.Nov.2010
Black-crowned Sparrowlark , Yotvata, 03.Nov.2010
Green Warbler & Grey Phalarope, Eilat area, 29-30.Oct.2010
Pin-tailed Snipe, Gesher fishponds, 26.Oct.2010
Rufous Turtle Dove, JBO, 17.Oct.2010
Audouin's Gull, Ma'agan Michael, 18.Aug.2010
Red-headed Bunting, Nizzana-Azuz, 15.May.2010
Red Phalarope, IBRC Eilat, 21.May.2010
Audouin's Gull, Ashdod, 26.Mar.2010
Little Bunting, Migdal Oz, 09.Feb.2010
Red-throated Divers, 23.Dec.2009
Rustic Bunting, Nafha, Har Hanegev, 14.Nov.2009
Oriental Turtle Dove, Ashdod, 27/02/2010 |
Paddyfield Warbler , Ma'agan Michael, 01/Dec/2009 |
Green Warbler, Kibbutz Nativa-ha'Lamed-He'i, 14/Oct/2009 |
Pectoral Sandpiper, Ma'agan Michael, 30/Sep/2009 |
Black-wiged Kite, Eilat, 29/Sep/2009 |
Sabine's Gull, Ma'agan Michael, 23/Apr/2009 On April 23rd, a 1st summer Sabine/'s Gull was located at Ma'agan Michael (Shai Agmon, Asaf Mayrose), representing the first record of this species for the Israeli Mediterranean coast... |
Kittilitz's Plover, Km 20, 13/Mar/2009 On March 13th, an adult Kittlitz's Plover in summer plumage was discovered in Km 20 saltpans near Eilat... |
American Golden Plover, Ma'agan Michael, 21/Nov/2008
On November 21st, Assaf Mayrose and Shai Agmon found a Pluvialis species at Ma'agan Michael fishponds. The bird stook around and was photographed by several birders. It was regarded as a Pacific Golden Plover... | |
Paddyfield Warbler, Eilat, 08/Oct/2008
On October 8th, a Paddyfield Warbler was cought and ringed at the IBRC Eilat (Noam Weiss et al.)... | |
Lesser Yellowlegs, Neve Eitan, 25/Sep/2008
On September 25th, a Juvenile Lesser Yellowlegs was observed at Kibbutz Neve Eitan's fish ponds (Peter Kinsella et al.). The bird remained till October 4th... | |
Green Warbler, Sde Boqer, 01/May/2008
On May 1st, a Green Warbler was cought and ringed at Sde Boqer college (Darren Burns, Eran Makover)... | |
Pectoral Sandpiper, Yotvata sewage, 30/APR/2008
On the morning of the 30th of April, Markus Craig of Austria sent out the news on a Pectoral Sandpiper observed at the Yotvata sewage... | |
Bateleur, Eilat, 28/Mar/2008
On 28/Mar, a Juvenile Bateleur was observed soaring over Eilat with Steppe Buzzards (N. Weiss, A. Cohen, R. Mizrachi)... | |
2 Kurdish Wheatears in one week, Mar/2008
On March 6th, Thomas Krumenacker found a male Kurdish Wheatear at Neot Smadar's sewage pools; On March 13th, Tuvia Kahn found another bird, also a male, at Rishpon shore... | |
Common Goldeneye, Golan, 08/Feb/2008
2 female type Goldeneyes were discovered in a flooded area near Kibbutz Meitzar (Southern Golan) on February 8th (Tamir Simantov et al.)... | |
Great Bustard, Golan, 24/Jan/2004
On 24/Jan, a Great Bustard was observed east of Ma'ale Gamla in the Golan heights (Amizur Boldo et al.).... | |
Black-winged Kite, Beit-shean Valley 29/Dec/07
A Black-winged Kite (Elanus caeruleus) was reported on the 30th of December by Klaus Bjerre... | |
Eye-browed Thrush, Jerusalem, 04/Nov/07
On November 4th, a 1st year Eye-browed Thrush was caught and ringed at the Jerusalem bird Observatory (Shai Agmon et al.).... |
Oriental Turtle Dove, Hula valley, 23/Oct/07
On October 23rd, an adult Oriental Turtle Dove was photographed at the western canal of the Hula valley re-flooded area (Amir Balaban et al.)... |
Audouin's Gull, Ma'agan Michael, 23/Sep/07
Less than a year since the previous record of a 1st year Audouin's Gull at Ma'ayan Tzvi shoreline, a 2nd year bird was found by Yossi Eshbol on the 23rd of September... |
Yellow-Breasted Bunting (Embriza aureola), Hula valley, 13/Aug/07
On Aug 13th, as part of a ringing session in the Hula reflooded area, Nadav Israel, Or Berghous and Tzahi Fridman caught and ringed a female Yellow-Breasted Bunting (Embriza aureola).
Basra Reed Warblers, Lehavot Ha'bashan, May/07
Back in July 2006, it was a big surprise for the Hula ringing team to find strong evidence for the breeding of Basra Reed Warblers in northern Israel....
Bean Goose, Eilat, 14/Mar/2007
On the morning of March 14th, James P. Smith observed a Bean Goose swimming off-shore Eilat's north beach. Unfortunately, the bird was startled by a boat, flew out of the bay northwards and was no where to be found, despite extensive searching... |
Black-throated Diver, sea of Galilee, 14/Dec/06
On December 14th, a 1st winter Black-throated Diver was observed north of Tiberius shore, sea of Galilee (Lior Kislev et al.)... |
Little Bunting, Samar, 23/Nov/06
On November 23rd, a Little Bunting was observed by Jonathan Meyrav at Samar's date plantation, southern Arava... |
Audouin's Gull, Ma'ayan Tzvi, 14/NOV/06
On the 14th of November, a 1st winter Audouin's Gull was observed by Barak Granit on the shoreline of Ma'ayan-Tzvi, Mediterranean coast... |
Demoiselle Crane, Hula valley, 04/Nov/06
On November 4th, an adult Demoiselle Crane was seen with a group of Common Cranes at the Hula Reflooded area (Gev & Eli Galili et al.), arguably the best place in Israel to see this very rare migrant... |
Great Black-backed Gull, Acre shore, 30/SEP/06
Only seven months after the previous bird, another Great black-backed Gull made its way to Nahal Na'aman estuary, Acre shore... |
Basra Reed Warblers breeding in Israel
Four Basra Reed Warblers, including a female with a brood patch and a very fresh juvenile were ringed at the Hula valley. This species was known to breed only in the shrinking Mesopotamian marshes of southern Iraq. It is classified by the IUCN as endangered... |
Franklin's Gull, Eilat's north beach, 01/Jul/06
On July 1st 2006, I arrived in the early morning at the famous north beach of Eilat... The first bird I saw was a small gull, with a black hood, prominent eye ring, grey upperparts and striking wing pattern... this should be the second record for Israel, after the first which was also at Eilat, in June 2003 (James P. Smith et al.)... |
Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark, Eilat, 15/Apr/06
On April 15th, a male Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark was found around the cowshed at Km 19 area, north to Eilat (Sebastian Olschewski et al.).
On the following day, the bird was still present at the same place till late evening... |
Red-billed Tropicbirds, the Gulf of Eilat, spring 2006
On March 13th, James P. Smith observed an adult Red-billed Tropicbird off the Gulf of Aqaba. During the next three weeks, two more sightings were reported... |
Demoiselle Crane
On April 2nd at early morning, an adult Demoiselle Crane was seen flying with a large flock of Common Cranes, heading north from their roosting site at the Hula nature reserve... |
Lesser Flamingo, Eilat, 19/Mar/06
On their last day visiting Israel, a ‘Birdfinders' group guided by James P. Smith and Vaughan Ashby found an adult Lesser Flamingo among the 400-500 Greater Flamingos present at Km 20 saltpans, north to Eilat... |
Kurdish Wheatear, east Samaria, 28/Feb/06
The well vegetated slopes of wadi Zananier (near Ma'ale Efraim, east Samaria) are ideal habitat for, among others, several species of Wheatears - Mourning, Finsch's and Black-eared at most days... |
Hume's Yellow-browed Warblers wintering in Israel
On January 21st, Guy Kirwan discovered a Hume's Warbler in the garden of Mitzpe Ramon hotel. During the past few days, the bird was seen by several other birders and was photographed by Rony Livne. On February 15th, another individual of this species was reported by Jonathan Meyrav... |
Tundra Swan, Western Galilee, 29/JAN/06
After a close examination of the photos, the bird was identified as a Tundra Swan, an occasional winter visitor in Israel with about 12 records, most recent one being from last winter... |
Great Black-backed Gull, Acre shore, 14/Jan/06
On the morning of the 14th, Gidon Segali and Tap were surveying Tmarim beach (Acre shore) for the annual Waterfowl count. While examining the large groups of Gull along the beach, the two discovered an adult type GBB Gull... |
Shikra, Kfar Ruppin, 14/Nov/05
On Monday 14/11/05 I went birding in the Beit-Shean Valley. Until after noon I had already quite a good day which included 8 Sociable Plovers, 11 Ruddy Shelduck, 6 Oriental Skylarks, 1 Calandra Lark, 6 Richard's Pipits, 2 Citrine Wagtails, 2 Siberian Stonechats, and many more birds... |
Red Phalarope, Km 20 saltpans, 28/Oct/05
On the 28th of October, Noam Weiss found a 1st winter Red Phalarope at Km 20 saltpans, north to Eilat... |
Painted Snipe, Hefer valley, 02/Sep/05
Painted Snipe is a rare and irregular visitor to Israel, with less than 30 records since 1979 (Shirihai, 1996), last time recorded on Ma'agan Michael beach 23-30 November 2002 ... |
Shag, Ma'agan Michael, 18/Jul/05
On July 18th, around 10:00 am, while examining the many terns and some waders resting on the shore in front of the Pigeon Island off-shore Ma'agan Michael, I noticed two cormorants flying close together... |

Barbary Falcon (Falco pelegrinoides) Yotvata, Oct.05 | 
Caspian Plover (Charadrius asiaticus) Arava valley, Apr.05 | 
Red-fronted Serin (Serinus pussilus) Rosh Pinna, Jan.06 |