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The Israeli Rarities & Distribution Committee (IRDC)

The Israeli Rarities & Distribution Committee (IRDC) was re-established in 2000, realizing the need to improve the standard of rarity recording in Israel, to monitor changes in the country's avifauna, rarities in particular, and to make these available to the general public. Our main objectives are to improve the standards of rarity recording in Israel, leveling with those suggested by the European Association of Rarities Committees (AERC), and to improve the knowledge on bird distribution and distribution changes in Israel.

In general, the committee will examine rarities records of species and subspecies recorded in Israel, as listed in the IRDC species list. The IRDC will also examine records of more frequently seen species that are of special interest (e.g., species that has recently become rare) or species that may pose identification problems with commoner ones. Thus, the list of species that require submission for examination by the committee may be updated from time to time.
The committee publishes its decisions and additional information in its annual bulletin.

Please download the following Submission Form to submit your records.
Observers are encouraged to consult our guidelines for record submission before submitting their records.

Which records require submission?

IRDC Bulletins

Why do I have to submit my records?

Rarity processing

Members of the committee


Submission Form

Sinai Rosefinch
(Carpodacus synoicus) Wadi Hava, Oct.05

Yellow-legged Gull
(Larus michahellis) Ma'agan Michael, May.05

Spur-winged Lapwing
(Vanellus spinosus) Ma'agan Michael, Apr.06
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