Rarities Committee
IL400 Club
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Database of rarity records in Israel
A searchable databse that lists all accepted records of rare birds. Where available, details are provided for each record, including date, observers, location and number of individuals.
Printable birdwatching trip checklist
In an attempt to make it easier for people to print out checklist's for multi day trips, we have created this easy to use tool, to help you generate a complete and up to date, print ready output.
Bulletin 11:01 Rare Birds in Israel
In this bulletin about rare birds in Israel, we provide an up-to-date account of all records evaluated by the Israeli Rarities and Distribution Committee since the previous bulletin in April 2016.
An overview of rare birds occurrence in Israel during 2000-2019
We had just entered the 3rd decade of the 21st century.
To celebrate this arbitrary milestone, I generated a comprehensive database of all the rarity records in Israel since the turn of the millennium.
Tristram's Grackle
(Onychognathus tristramii)
Zeelim Wadi, Mar.07
(Alcedo atthis)
Ma'agan Michael, Aug.04
White Wagtail
(Motacilla alba)
Yotvata, Feb.05
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